Easter Crate
Celebrate the risen Christ more joyfully and faithfully with the activities, Scriptures, and prayers in this specially designed Easter crate.
Easter Crate includes:
- Divine Mercy Chaplet & Novena Ring: Learn about the history of the Divine Mercy chaplet and novena and how to pray them using the cards on your ring. Invite God’s infinite Mercy into your lives this year.
- Liturgical Art Collection: Celebrate special feast days throughout the Easter season with your Liturgical Art.
- Calendar Stickers: Mark special dates on your family calendar with the calendar stickers as a reminder to change your Liturgical Art.
- Alleluia! Card Game: Alleluia means, God be praised! It is an expression of worship and rejoicing. Celebrate the biggest victory in history by shouting Alleluia with your family. Find card game instructions inside. (Pro tip: Parents, this makes a great Easter Basket surprise!)
- Alleluia Tote Bag: Share your Catholic faith as you go throughout your day with this fun, colorful, and faithful tote bag!
Easter Magnet: Decorate your refrigerator with this 4x6 hand-illustrated magnet. This beautifully designed liturgical reminder can also fit in a frame for your prayer table or wall. Keep it on display throughout the entire Easter season to remind your family to celebrate!
- Family Easter Candle: Make your own Paschal (Easter) candle and keep the Easter flame burning in your home throughout the entire season. Parents, you’ll need to purchase a white candle for this activity. You can find a great selection at the local dollar or craft store.
- Regina Caeli Prayer: Regina Caeli is Latin for “Queen of Heaven.” We pray this special Marian antiphon throughout the Easter season in place of the Angelus. It is a tribute to the Blessed Mother and a celebration of the joy of resurrection. The prayer is in both Latin and English–challenge your family to learn one or both during the 50 days of Easter.
- Divine Mercy Sunday Cupcake Toppers (Use April 16th): Use these festive toppers in fancy cupcakes decorated with red and blue icing, or pop them on top of apple slices, pancakes, or sandwiches.
- Ascension Cupcake Toppers (Use May 18th): Feel like baking? Make an Ascension cake with fluffy white icing to resemble clouds. Decorate the “clouds” with these colorful toppers. Or simply stick them in cubes of cheese, orange slices, or frozen waffles.
- Pentecost Cupcake Toppers (Use May 28th): You know the drill! Bake something fun or decorate a simple snack with these bright toppers.
- Pentecost Novena (Pray May 19th to May 27th): Learn and pray the novena that all other novenas are based on! Invite the Holy Spirit into your homes and hearts this Pentecost.
Easter Playlist: Enjoy your Easter playlist! The songs were specifically chosen to help you celebrate the Easter season.
Shop our full Easter collection and Easter basket gifts for more support!
What People Are Saying:
"Such a rich, in-depth and so well organized crate for the whole family to participate in. This is beyond my expectations and brings so much joy to my heart.”
”My children and I have learned so much from your boxes and the items included fill our home with so much beauty while keeping our family Christ-centered. I feel empowered to bring the Church into our homes and ignite a fire for our faith in our children!”
“With kids, there is no time and if there is time, the crafts we do hardly ever turn out as imagined. These wonderfully curated crates come ready to go and are simple and beautiful and I couldn’t be happier. No way in a million years could I have done this without Catholic Family Crate as a guide”
“We are so relieved to have faithful, beautiful, and affordable resources to lead my family in our faith at home!”
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Reasons to Love Catholic Family Crate

Is building a faith in your home a struggle?
Do you feel like you don't have enough time to grow your family's faith at home? Do you feel overwhelmed at passing on the faith to your little saints? You want to start, but don't know where?
We've been there. We can help!